Ok, I admit it! This is the one area I really struggle to be green! I looked at Eco friendly options, but post divorce, this was the car that spoke to me, and 5 years later I still own it (a record for me) and still love it!
I am very fortunate to live 3 miles from work so I only have to fill up roughly every two weeks – not too bad. I would love to ride my bike to work and I think I have found a route that won’t kill me with hills, but I would have to leave at 6:30 am, in the dark.
Remember, I’m still a work in progress…
So when it comes to your car, what are the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint?
First up is the most obvious: walk, ride your bike, car pool or use public transportation. If you aren’t able to walk or ride your bike carpooling and the use of public transportation will spread those carbon emissions out among multiple people.
Drive a low carbon vehicle . Seems simple enough. Electric cars emit ZERO CO2, but where does the energy you are using to charge it come from? Be mindful of the CO2 created through charging your vehicle, you may be better off with a hybrid or a high mpg gas or diesel vehicle.
Watch your speed – unnecessary acceleration and speeding can reduce fuel efficiency. Use cruise control when you can. Try not to travel during peak traffic times to avoid being stuck in traffic and idling needlessly. Avoid the drive through for the same reason…
Keep your tires inflated and your engine tuned.
Make the most of your time and save fuel by combining your errands.
It definitely isn’t easy being green, what is the hardest change you’ve made?
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