2020 is almost here! Before I start making new resolutions, I figured I should look back on how I did with last years. So how did I do in my quest to save the world? I was definitely not perfect but I really did make some changes! Reduce my plastic use My first area of focus was to reduce my plastic use. While it is really difficult to quit cold turkey I did start paying attention to the plastic in my life and made a lot of small changes to reduce the amount I bring home. My bathroom has had the most changes – gone are shampoo bottles, plastic razors, liquid soap in plastic containers and even our plastic toothbrushes. Watch for future blog posts on the changes I made and even some how to’s for our own liquid soap and eye makeup remover. I plan to work…
Ok, I won’t really be saving the whole world, but I will at least be trying my best to do my part. Here are things I’m going to be focusing on this year to make a difference, no matter how small. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt Reduce Plastic Use On my quest to become plastic free the first step is to start paying attention to the plastic in my life, then start cutting it out – one step at a time. ’m still working on eliminating plastic bags and plastic straws and also drastically cutting back on drink containers. I wish I could say that I am already 100% successful but I am an imperfect human being doing my best. Next up is examining my plastic consumption while grocery shopping. This has definitely been an eye opener. Once…