2020 is almost here! Before I start making new resolutions, I figured I should look back on how I did with last years. So how did I do in my quest to save the world? I was definitely not perfect but I really did make some changes! Reduce my plastic use My first area of focus was to reduce my plastic use. While it is really difficult to quit cold turkey I did start paying attention to the plastic in my life and made a lot of small changes to reduce the amount I bring home. My bathroom has had the most changes – gone are shampoo bottles, plastic razors, liquid soap in plastic containers and even our plastic toothbrushes. Watch for future blog posts on the changes I made and even some how to’s for our own liquid soap and eye makeup remover. I plan to work…
3 Eco Friendly Ways to Dispose of Fall Pumpkins I know I’ve talked about it before… disposing of food waste into a landfill creates methane gas. There is a long scientific explanation, but basically food waste in a landfill is more tightly compacted, which doesn’t allow food to decompose the same way it would in your backyard compost pile (using OXYGEN). Eventually methane producing bacteria take over decomposition. According to this article by Scientific American, methane gas is 23 times as potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide! . So what is a Halloween reveler to do when those Jack O’Lanterns must make way for other holiday decorations? Here are my 3 favorite ways to make your pumpkins demise a little more eco friendly. . Compost it – after you have removed all the seeds, simply add it to your compost pile…
The single greatest source of ocean trash I write this blog because I care about the environment, but a lot of what drives me is my connection to the ocean. I was not born in a coastal state nor do I live in one now but I visit as often as I can and the ocean gives me a sense of peace and tranquility. All of us are connected to the oceans, all our waterways lead to the ocean. There is an amazing fractal map of US waterways by Robert Szucs that really illustrate that point – make sure you take a peek. The ocean also supplies us with 70% of our oxygen, SEVENTY percent! So, we are connected to it in a myriad of ways – even if we don’t live close by. On my trip up Highway 1. I kept stopping, I couldn’t help…
Ok, I admit it! This is the one area I really struggle to be green! I looked at Eco friendly options, but post divorce, this was the car that spoke to me, and 5 years later I still own it (a record for me) and still love it! I am very fortunate to live 3 miles from work so I only have to fill up roughly every two weeks – not too bad. I would love to ride my bike to work and I think I have found a route that won’t kill me with hills, but I would have to leave at 6:30 am, in the dark. Remember, I’m still a work in progress… So when it comes to your car, what are the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint? First up is the most obvious: walk, ride your bike, car pool…
Ok, I won’t really be saving the whole world, but I will at least be trying my best to do my part. Here are things I’m going to be focusing on this year to make a difference, no matter how small. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt Reduce Plastic Use On my quest to become plastic free the first step is to start paying attention to the plastic in my life, then start cutting it out – one step at a time. ’m still working on eliminating plastic bags and plastic straws and also drastically cutting back on drink containers. I wish I could say that I am already 100% successful but I am an imperfect human being doing my best. Next up is examining my plastic consumption while grocery shopping. This has definitely been an eye opener. Once…
When do you put up your Christmas tree? I know a lot of people who put up their tree right after Thanksgiving, but we are more of a last minute family. My son’s birthday is on December 18, so we generally wait until at least December 19 to put up our tree. It’s better that way anyway, poor thing doesn’t stand a chance to survive the season if we get it too early – plus they are usually half off! I had considered an artificial tree this year, but which is worse? Cutting down a tree or buying a plastic one? An artificial tree may last me 5 years, that’s saving 5 real trees! Of course when I’m finished with my artificial tree it will sit in a landfill forever while my real tree can become mulch.Artificial trees are…
I admit it, I have a problem. I drink a lot of soda, far too much, and fountain drinks are my weakness. I have managed to cut back, but not eliminate my soda intake. I have been very successful at avoiding polystyrene cups and by staying away from the drive through I am able to use reusable cups. Not plastic free, but I have definitely reduced my plastic use considerably! Next on my list is drinking straws. With 500 million straws being used every day in the US, I decided to join the 2018 plastic straw ban bandwagon. Plastic straws are among the top 10 plastics found in our oceans. They are a single use non recyclable plastic. We use them for only minutes and then toss them. There has been a lot of talk about straws, including how banning plastic straws is just a band aid. My thoughts? “…
I just dropped off what I hope is my last load of plastic bags for recycle! Years ago I bought reusable bags but I only managed to use them sporadically. Anyone else had that problem? Forgot them in the house, forgot them in the car, forgot I had them at all… I admit it was laziness, going plastic free takes commitment, I’m going to have to teach myself some new habits! Those old bags were also difficult to store and difficult to use, so I started my renewed efforts by looking to see what “advancements” have been made in the reusable bag market… I came across these Grab Bags, they clip right into your cart – the price was right and reviews were good! They even make insulated ones! I admit, we forgot them in the car… after a brief “we…
“Even if you never have the chance to see or touch the ocean, the ocean touches you with every breath you take, every drop of water you drink, every bite you consume. Everyone, everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea.” ― Sylvia A. Earle, The World Is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One Right now, according to Smithsonian Ocean, it is estimated that there are 5.25 TRILLION plastic particles or 244,000 metric tons of plastic in the world’s oceans. That is a lot of plastic! Some of you may be thinking, “What’s the big deal? I live a thousand miles from the ocean – it isn’t my problem.” But it is, it is all of our problems. Approximately 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic are…